I didn't know what to expect when I applied for graduate school. I knew it was supposed to be more difficult than undergraduate [of course] but I didn't know the type of people I was going to be with. I was fearful that they may be a bunch of oldies, a group of geeks, a class of corny people or whatever.
During the entrance exam, I sat beside this particular girl. From what I recall, our only communication was her asking me what course I am applying for. "Clinical Psych", i answered. "Ikaw?" "Clinical Psych din." That was it. Since she looked my age, I was glad that I have a chance of having a classmate as old as my mom.
Enrollment came and I was with my colleague from ACS, Karen. She told me we had to wait for someone else. "Si Mitch, yung dati sa sourcing..kilala mo ba yun?" Surely, I knew her from ACS. I was already in another company when she came there but we were introduced when I went back for a visit. We only exchange a couple of hi's and bye's and that was it.
First day of school came around. As I went inside the classroom, the girl I took the exams with turned out to be my classmate. Her name? Sha.
Second day of school came around. It was the only class I had with Mitch and Sha. That class was Group Therapy and Processes. Xgrothe for short.
After a couple of meetings, our professor named our trio--the PowerPuff Girls. Why? According to him it's because we are always cheerful and on-the-go. Plus, when he's in front, he sees us girls always smiling at the back "looking like cartoons." Hence, PPG. Mitch, having the longest hair was Blossom. Sha and I both adored Bubbles. However, according to Sir Bob, "kung Bubbles kayo pareho sana nag B1 B2 na lang kayo!" Haha. So Sha became Buttercup.=)

In such a short span of time, the three of us were inseparable. We would go out and hang around. We share everything as in EVERYTHING about our lives. We keep each other's secrets. We gave each other advices. We took hundreds of pictures. We wore the same colors of clothes.
We disliked the same people. Above all, we love each other.=)
When I feel a tinge of sadness in me, the PPG are the first people I look for. They let me vent out, then they speak their minds and hearts. After which, they make me smile, laugh, and be happy without effort! Haha!=)
I can't imagine life without them now. We should have been friends waaay back.=)
I love you Blossom and Buttercup!=)
During the entrance exam, I sat beside this particular girl. From what I recall, our only communication was her asking me what course I am applying for. "Clinical Psych", i answered. "Ikaw?" "Clinical Psych din." That was it. Since she looked my age, I was glad that I have a chance of having a classmate as old as my mom.
Enrollment came and I was with my colleague from ACS, Karen. She told me we had to wait for someone else. "Si Mitch, yung dati sa sourcing..kilala mo ba yun?" Surely, I knew her from ACS. I was already in another company when she came there but we were introduced when I went back for a visit. We only exchange a couple of hi's and bye's and that was it.
First day of school came around. As I went inside the classroom, the girl I took the exams with turned out to be my classmate. Her name? Sha.
Second day of school came around. It was the only class I had with Mitch and Sha. That class was Group Therapy and Processes. Xgrothe for short.
After a couple of meetings, our professor named our trio--the PowerPuff Girls. Why? According to him it's because we are always cheerful and on-the-go. Plus, when he's in front, he sees us girls always smiling at the back "looking like cartoons." Hence, PPG. Mitch, having the longest hair was Blossom. Sha and I both adored Bubbles. However, according to Sir Bob, "kung Bubbles kayo pareho sana nag B1 B2 na lang kayo!" Haha. So Sha became Buttercup.=)
In such a short span of time, the three of us were inseparable. We would go out and hang around. We share everything as in EVERYTHING about our lives. We keep each other's secrets. We gave each other advices. We took hundreds of pictures. We wore the same colors of clothes.
When I feel a tinge of sadness in me, the PPG are the first people I look for. They let me vent out, then they speak their minds and hearts. After which, they make me smile, laugh, and be happy without effort! Haha!=)
I can't imagine life without them now. We should have been friends waaay back.=)
I love you Blossom and Buttercup!=)